Managers Roles and Responsibilities Step-By-Step
Welcome to the new season with Kingsley Junior Football Club.
The club appreciates you nominating to be the Manager of one of the many teams the club will field in the upcoming season. Below is a summary of the information you will need in order to carry out the role as Manager. There is also this version to download – MANAGERS ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES – STEP BY STEP
The Team Manager can be a rewarding role, supporting the coach, players and parents and acting as liaison between parents and the club. It is important that you attend every game, and if that is not possible, you must organise a substitute Manager who is able to take on game day responsibilities on your behalf. There are some important administrative and financial duties you as Manager will attend to during the season. One of the most important tasks is the Team Roster. Please give your teams parents/guardians a clear roster of duties at the beginning of the season for Oranges/Lollies (Snakes), Jumpers and Goal Umpire so they are able to organise a substitute for their roster if they are unable to do it themselves. You will also be given a roster for the BBQ’s and Canteen along with set up and pack up of the grounds at least once per season (a whole team responsibility), so be sure to delegate those tasks to your parents/guardians in your Team Roster as you will have enough to do at each game without attending to your team roster as well. Below is a summary of your responsibilities, however, if you require any further clarification please contact the Managers Coordinator via email –
- Parent volunteers you need are:
- First Aid Officer
- Interchanger Steward
- Runner
- Year 3 and 4 only – Min 2x Parent Field Umpires (Only 1 parent umpire required per game)
- 1x Goal umpire
- Prepare your Canteen, BBQ and Half time snack roster (can be oranges and lollies but that is up to the team)
- Play HQ Prep:
- All players jumper numbers entered into PlayHQ Managers Portal.
- Make sure Team sheet is correct with all correct players details.
- Emails to parents – Make sure parents are aware of:
- Training days, times and location.
- Game days, times and all details of the first 5 weeks of the season including fixtures.
- Roster to be emailed so everyone knows what they are doing for the first 5 weeks.
- All volunteer positions filled.
- Interchanger Steward:
- Received email and link for login
- Created login and password
- Downloaded app on Ipad and have watched the 23 min video online – The Managers Coordinator would have provided them with the link to this via email.
- Set up team with full names, numbers and have had a play so they are familiar with it.
- Coach, Assistant Coach and Manager all registered on PlayHQ as either a manager or volunteer.
- Coach, Assistant Coach and Manager have all done Bouncedown.
- Parent Umpires have done their umpires course.
- In general:
- Make yourself familiar with Managers paperwork – all found on the KJFC website in the ‘Managers Handbook’.
- Make yourself familiar with Managers boxes – you have everything (Vests, cones, flags, balls) If any thing is missing, please let the Managers Coordinator know asap.
- All players needing a Protective Equipment permit have been communicated to Registrar and permit has been approved.
- All players requiring Play Up and Play Down permits have been communicated to Registrar and permit has been approved.
- For Boys teams – Jumpers are to be kept together and must not be given to an individual player to take home for the season. This has happened in previous years and Jumpers are always lost and this cost is given back to the team to pay. Girls teams – Jumpers are provided for the whole season and are the responsibility of each player. They are to arrive in their playing jumpers to each game to avoid changing in public as changing rooms aren’t always provided.
BOUNCEDOWN – Please make sure Managers that you and your coaches have done Bouncedown. If you haven’t, please complete by their due date – WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THIS DATE BY MANAGERS COORDINATOR AT THE START OF EVERY SEASON.
UMPIRES COURSES – Years 3 & 4 – Please make sure your parents have completed their umpires course by their due date – WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THIS DATE BY MANAGERS COORDINATOR.
PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT & PLAY UP/PLAY DOWN – please ensure those requests are all emailed to the Registrar – for application to the WAFC as soon as possible.
A Manager checklist is available to you on the KJFC Website and can be found under ‘Coaches and Managers’; ‘Managers’; ‘Managers Info’ section of the KJFC website that outlines your responsibilities both before and after each Game. Please ensure that you attend the clubrooms to check your pigeon hole when contacted by your Managers Coordinator to collect anything that you are required to hand to your parents. We no longer provide a physical folder to Managers so please make sure you have the following documents which you will require at each game:
• 2x Team Sheet
• Copy of Parent Roster
• Any relevant paperwork for the club to be handed to Parents:
• 1 x Goal Umpire Scorecard
• 1 x JLT Match Report – if required
• 3 x Fairest and Best Voting Cards (Open rules only – Years 7-12)
- PlayHQ:
- Make sure all confirmed players for the week have been included in team list
- All players have jumper numbers allocated
- Print off two completed ‘game sheets’ – bring to game
- Filled out Score card ready for start of game
- On Field:
- Complete JLT ground check for the ground you are playing on – found on KJFC website under Managers Info – please refer to ‘Match Day Ground Check Procedure’ so you know when this is required to be completed.
- All kids to put on player jumpers.
- For Year 7 and above – have 3 best and fairest cards ready and handed to 3 people you would like to complete them.
- For home games – Game ball is pumped and ready to go (can use automatic pump in Kingsley store room)
- VESTS – make sure you as Manager, Coach, Assistant Coach, First aid Officer, Runner, Parent Umpire, Goal Umpire, Interchanger and are all in vests.
- Parent umpire has own whistle
- Goal umpire has flags, pen/pencil and score card
- Make sure you always go over to other Team Manager and introduce yourself. Same for Coaches.
- Year 5 and above – Team sheets handed to Umpire
- Interchange Steward has Ipad and all details of the game are ready to go – its very important they sit next to Coaches/Managers box so they can communicate with Coach and Managers over players coming on and off – all players changers must be recorded on the app.
- Interchange Steward to press start and stop of time at start of game, start and end of each quarter and end of game.
This application is COMPULSORY for all year groups. The idea behind the app is to ensure that all players receive a minimum of 60% game time each week and all players are evenly rotated. The App is only available for use on iPad or iPhone and is free to download. If you do not have an iPad, please ask your team if there is anyone that would be willing to be the permanent interchanger steward for the team and would be happy to download the app.
There is no longer a manual form so please ensure your interchange steward is concentrating on the game and the bench at all times. At the completion of the game you have ability to go into the saved results and notes against specific players if required. We encourage the use of notes as it stops the league from asking questions. You will be required to upload the results of the game by pressing the ‘upload’ button while in the app.
- There are four sets of goal/behind posts that are kept in either the Toilet Block or Storage cage at back of Toilet Block at Moolanda and Barridale Ovals.
- The first Mods/Opens Team to play must set up posts at white ground markers.
- The last Mods/Opens Team to pack away.
- Stretcher, goal post pads and bell are to be taken from the External Store Room at Kingsley Reserve/Clubrooms and must be returned to the External Store Room by last Team using the Oval.
- On field before leaving ground:
- Year 3 & 4 – Parent umpires from both teams to sign team sheet and score cards (goal umpire to sign score card if possible)
- Year 5 and Up – Umpires to sign both team sheets and return 1x signed copy to you.
- Year 7 and Up – Best and Fairest cards filled out to be returned to you (no one to see them but you)
- All vests to be returned to you.
- Goal umpire to return flags and score card to you (score card signed)
- Parents on jumper duty to take jumpers from children to wash
- Interchange steward to stop game and finalise interchange results as per instructions provided. If a child didn’t get 50% game time – make a note on Interchanger for that child by pressing on their ‘name and number’ and then ‘notes’ to explain why – ie. injured etc)
- If home game – Game ball to be collected.
- Before 7pm on Game day:
- Upload game from Interchanger App by pressing Upload when game is done – Wifi is required for this so may need to be done at home.
- Email best and fairest cards (a photo of all three) to Email any injury forms to
- Log into PlayHQ and make any last minute changes – no shows to game, extra players who weren’t on the original team sheet etc).
By Sunday evening after your game, you are required to record the final scores of your game on PlayHQ. You have the option to record the goals scored by the individual team members who scored the goals also but this information is not compulsory. Please keep a copy of the team sheet from each game in case the Managers Coordinator or Registrar requires you to provide it as proof to the WAFC.
If you have any queries, please feel free to email the Managers Coordinator on
It is Club Policy that jumpers are collect at the end of each game and washed as a full set on their OWN, in COLD water, (as is recommended by the Manufacturer). This will ensure that each Jumper is accounted for and usage and wear of all jumpers is informal. Club Jumpers are NOT to be given to the care of individuals.
Jumpers are to be collected at the end of each match and taken home to be washed by the parent rostered on for that particular week, they must be washed without using any detergent.
DERBY JUMPERS As in the past, there will be Derby clashes between 2 Kingsley teams in the same grade. If you are the “away team” you will be required to wear the alternate set of jumpers (please check the fixtures). If you require Derby jumpers, please contact the Property Cordinator via email – prior to game day to organise collection. Please wash jumpers and return to the Property Coordinator by the following Wednesday evening. Please remind your parent on jumper roster, the need to return jumpers as in most cases the jumpers will be required the following weekend.
- When child is hurt – only First Aid officer to run onto field – NO PARENTS to run on.
- Only Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, First Aid Officer, Runner and Players to be inside the Box.
- Interchange person to be sat right next to Coaches/Managers Box.
- Interchange person to ensure EVERY PLAYER HAS 60% GAME TIME – they are to notify you if there are players not likely to reach 60% by the end of the game so changes can be made on the field to ensure all children do.
- BBQ duties for when playing on the Kingsley North Oval.
- Canteen Duties for when playing on Kingsley Central oval.
- Both Canteen and BBQ duties for Opens teams playing on the whole oval – Boys and Girls years 7 and above.
- Each team will be rostered for a Sunday/Friday SET UP/PACK AWAY duty – Years 3’s to Opens on a Sunday morning/afternoon and Girls teams on a Friday. This is to assist the committee with the setup of the ovals and BBQ area for each Sunday and Friday night.
Managers are responsible for collecting monies for any fundraising event or requirement of the club. This money will need to be provided to the club Treasurer by placing the collected funds into your teams pigeon holes once all monies have been collected.
The District will invoice the Club for payment of umpires. There is no requirement for teams to pay umpires directly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only the Captain or Team Manager from either team can approach an Umpire during the breaks in a match.
You will be notified of the return dates of the boxes by the Managers Coordinator at the end of the season. Please make sure it’s returned in a neat and tidy manner by the dtae provided.
Each team is entitled to $8.50 per player, Coach and Manager to be used towards your team wind up at the end of the season. The funding provided is based upon team numbers and will be provided to you by the Treasurer before the end of the season. Be sure to look out for the email that asks for your bank details so the Treasurer can place the funds into your account. The more time you have the money as a Manager, the more time you can prepare for your teams windup.